Support Dumbarton Concerts

Dumbarton Concerts’ donors ensure that music stays onstage and remains in the hearts of the communities of Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland. We welcome you to join the Dumbarton Concerts family of contributors today.

As a member of our community of supporters, you become a partner in the creative process and help support programming excellence, launch new works, and keep performances affordable and accessible for new audiences. You’ll also become a Dumbarton Concerts insider with access to opportunities and services that will enhance your experience as an audience member.


You can support our work in a range of different ways:

Membership  |  Planned Giving  |  Celebration  |  Volunteering


Membership benefits include reserved seating, parking privileges, livestream access, and exchange privileges. 


Give The Gift of Music:

Consider giving the gift of music by purchasing subscriptions or tickets for friends or family. A card with your special message will be sent with the tickets. To purchase, please contact us at or 202-965-2000.

I would like to make a tax-free gift donation:

Dumbarton Concerts’ donors ensure that music stays onstage and remains in the hearts of the communities of Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland.

Make a tax-deductible contribution to Dumbarton Arts & Education or direct your donation to Dumbarton Concerts or Inspired Child.

Donation Type:
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The Constance Zimmer Legacy Society

The society was named for our organization’s founder, Constance Zimmer, and it pays tribute to a special group of generous supporters who remember Dumbarton Concerts or our parent organization, Dumbarton Arts & Education, in their wills or with other planned gifts. These supporters ensure that our mission to present programs promoting diversity, community, and accessibility will be preserved for future generations. Members of the Legacy Society are invited to special events in recognition of their contribution to our work.

Email for further information.


Host a post-concert reception or dedicate a live performance to a special person, anniversary, or family occasion. Dedicators receive twenty free tickets, a recording of the concert, and special recognition in the concert program and on the Contributors page of our website.

Contact Dumbarton Concerts at 202-965-2000.

Volunteer Opportunities

Join our concert staff! Volunteers are a vital part of our concert production, and we welcome all who would like to join the Dumbarton Concerts community. Please contact us by phone or email at for more information or fill out this form.