Dumbarton Concerts
Concerts by Candlelight
The 2024-2025 Dumbarton Concerts season opens in the intimate Dumbarton Concerts sanctuary this October with live, in-person performances and a return to the screen for livestream concerts.
Join us this year for artistic excellence and creativity, surprising musical explorations, and a renewed appreciation for all that music brings us: beauty, meaning, and connection.
Dumbarton Concerts Gallery
Dumbarton Concerts Gallery features exhibitions by local visual artists at each concert. Gallery openings begin at 6:30 p.m. prior to each 7:30 p.m. concert and at 3:00 p.m. prior to 4:00 p.m. matinee performances.
45 years of tradition, innovation, and engagement and we’re still going strong!
Dumbarton Concerts has presented chamber and jazz music in the heart of Georgetown since 1979, always striving to bring a fresh perspective to Washington, DC’s chamber music scene. Our mission to present young, diverse, local, international and unforgettable artists continues, and we want to ensure that it goes on for many years to come!

You Can Support Our Work In A Range Of Different Ways.
Dumbarton Concerts’ donors ensure that music stays onstage and remains in the hearts of the communities of Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland.
We welcome you to join the Dumbarton Concerts family of contributors today.
Changing The Way Children Think, Learn, And Grow
We support early childhood education through our arts integration program, Inspired Child. Inspired Child targets low-income children ages 0-5, underserved families, and early childhood educators and Child Development Centers in Washington, DC’s most economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.